Day 9: Filler Time

After two long weeks of waiting, the FILLER finally came in! I can start working on my boat again! YAY

We used a certain type of filler called Marine Premium Filler, about a golf ball size of that and about 2 drops of Hardener and you get GELCOAT.

Now filling in hundreds of holes with gelcoat is no one person job, so my dad and I did it together, thanks dad.

My dad and I started at the stern of the port side and worked our way up.

When we made it to the bow of the boat, we decided that this wasn’t good enough and that we needed to sand it and go over it one more time. So we did.

After we sanded it, we put circles around the ones that we think need more filler/gel coat or sanding. My brother, Latham, also offered to help with the sanding.

When we finished sanding and applying more gelcoat, it looked much better and were happy that we decided to do it again.

You may have noticed that we moved the boat from inside our garage on a sawhorse to our driveway floor… What happened was we tried to move it to the back corner of our driveway, keeping it on the sawhorse, and while we were moving it, the sawhorse legs moved and we dropped it! And the boat was just too heavy to pick back up so we just worked on it on on floor. It doesn’t look like there is much damage to the top of the boat. We will move it when we have more help.

Another thing that stinks is that my dad didn’t order the right amount of gel coat, so we have to wait another two weeks for it to come in. But at least I’ll have time to focus on other things…like Boy Scouts.