Day 10: Final Fill (on the bottom at least!)

Day 9 ended with dad and me finishing applying the filler to the port side of the boat, as well as with us running out of filler. Well, the other day my dad drove to Memphis (I believe) and bought a huge thing of it. So now we can finish doing filler. (For the hull at least)

The first thing I did was clean it and get all the dirt and sand that may have made its way over. I scrubbed it to where if you slide your hand across it, you would have nothing on your hand after.

After that, my dad and I decided we should lift it up and put it on saw horses. We did this with my mom’s help. We, then, got one of our tents and covered the boat with it, given the boat needed shade and also to keep the filler from drying as fast.

So we began, starting in the stern, and heading for the bow. We were off! We had pretty good practice from the port side, so we did much better and much faster than last time.

We finished with the filler, then sanded and vacuumed it (thinking that it looked pretty good). We still decided to go over it one more time with the filler like we did on the port side though.

When we were done applying filler, sanding and vacuuming it for the second time, we were happy that we decided to do it again since it looked much better and was way smoother. We now knew it was ready for primer.